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Read this rallying cry that inspires leaders to revolt against today’s system, build thriving organizations and serve America better. Start reading the free sample now.
Read this rallying cry that inspires leaders to revolt against today’s system, build thriving organizations and serve America better. Start reading the free sample now.
Healthcare accounts for one-fifth of the U.S. economy. Everyone agrees that our current system needs to be fixed. It must cost less, tackle chronic disease, and shift resources away from acute and specialty treatments into care management, behavioral health, and health promotion. The issue isn’t what to do. It’s how to do it. The answers lie in customer-driven reform, enlightened governmental regulation, and full-risk payment models that reward quality outcomes, service excellence, and efficient operations.
Read this rallying cry that inspires leaders to revolt against today’s system, build thriving organizations and serve America better. Start reading the free sample now.
Many healthcare leaders and organizations purchase multiple copies of The Customer Revolution in Healthcare to hand out to audiences, board of directors, senior leadership, clients, students. We can include labels on the outside or inside cover to remind recipients of your generosity, and or include marketing materials. Please email to discuss how we can get this message of revolution to your connections.
U.S. healthcare is too expensive, asset-heavy and tolerant of excessive performance variation. It is over-invested in acute/specialty care and under-invested in prevention, primary care, behavioral health and chronic disease management. It makes too many mistakes and refuses to learn from them. Our long-term quality of life, standard of living and social mobility depend on converting America’s “sickcare” system into a true healthcare system.
Inspire your audience or team of leaders to revolt against today’s system, build thriving organizations and serve America better.
David Johnson is a healthcare thought leader, author, speaker, and strategic advisor to organizations busting the status-quo to reform our healthcare system.
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